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Find out what we have been up to by reading through our blogs.

Remark labelling

When evaluating or gathering feedback about a product or service is it very common to ask open-ended questions to respondents alongside the closed-ended survey questions. A simple ‘yes’, ‘no’ or

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Security tips & tricks

In the spirit of International Data Privacy Day  on the 28th of January, we want to share some highlights from our webinar on the topic “Tips & Tricks: Privacy and Security”.

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SenseAsia 2021

Usually in December in the Netherlands, it is tradition to eat “pepernoten” and exchange gifts. How can you make this time of the year even more exciting? Well, by participating

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Panel Scheduling in EyeQuestion

Updated 15/04/2022 New scheduling feature: Sending appointment confirmation email with a calendar invite. Scheduling helps a user to send emails to panelists from a questionnaire so that they can make an

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What we see for 2021

With most people staying indoors in 2020 and still partially in 2021, our focus has shifted to ensure that both users and panellist – who are working from home and

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History of EyeQuestion

Gerben Ernst and Rignald Span 2001|The Beginning Founders, Rignald Span and Gerben Ernst, worked at a software development company creating tailor-made software for several Dutch companies. In their spare time

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Conferences 2020

At the beginning of this year we were looking forward to many conferences, not yet knowing about the challenges laying ahead for the organizers. Unfortunately some conferences had to be cancelled

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Product Database

When dealing with sensory evaluation, a clear characterization of your products is very important. Detailed product or sample characteristics are necessary to determine the quality attributes and eventually the associated

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Software as a Service (SaaS)

At the end of the millennium, using software to collect data for sensory research became very common. The possibility to collect data on paper was still there but digitizing the

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Email Best Practices

Despite the availability of different online channels to reach out to a large audience, email is still considered the most effective channel to communicate with customers and prospects. This is

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EyeQuestion 5!

We are happy to announce that a new major version has been released, EyeQuestion 5! Before we update customers from 4 to 5, we will need to schedule a call

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PhD Tour East Canada 2019

At the beginning of this year we received an e-mail from the Wageningen University asking us if we were interested in sponsoring their biennial tour, where PhD students get the

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