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Product Database

When dealing with sensory evaluation, a clear characterization of your products is very important. Detailed product or sample characteristics are necessary to determine the quality attributes and eventually the associated analytical methods which can be used for testing purposes. Here is where the Product Database (PDB) comes in. This existing feature in EyeQuestion which was originally developed to easily add and use products into multiple Projects. The Product Database can be accessed from the main menu by going to Tools> Data Tools> Product Database.

Our tips on using the Product Database (PDB):


Adding information per sample per Project can be a time-consuming process as each time the specific product details need to be filled in manually or uploaded using different Excel files. That is why the PDB (which is initially empty) can be filled by importing a simple Excel file. When importing your data, select a column which is used as unique identifier of the product. This will ensure that all products in the PDB are unique and users are able to batch-update existing products using an Excel file.


Integration with existing product database

If you already have your own product database that is currently not connected with EyeQuestion, there is the possibility to integrate your product database with EyeQuestion. This offers you the possibility to load products from an external source directly into your EyeQuestion Projects. Contact our Support team for assistance.


Naming conventions

Standardization in naming these product characteristics will – in the long run – save time as they will be aligned across your product range. This removes the need to painstakingly manually adjust property names of certain products to match the same property value in others. It also ensures that the same product property names are used for all products in your database, preventing the need to adjust this after data collection and before data analysis.

Product Databse

Multiple projects

When your PDB is filled and ready to go, you can use these products in EyeQuestion Projects. Users can either fill single product properties directly from the PDB or importing a batch of them by clicking the import button on the main Products overview page. Product information will be stored with the project and can be used when running analyses and generating reports.



Placeholders containing product information can be used in your questionnaires. When running the questionnaire, the placeholders will be replaced with the information linked to your products in your PDB. Custom view Users can customize the view of the PDB by hiding columns in their view. This is different for every user, so changing the view of the columns will only affect the current user.


Custom view

Users can customize the view of the PDB by hiding columns in their view. This is different for every user, so changing the view of the columns will only affect the current user.



For any further information about the Product Database, please contact our Support team on [email protected]