Our Plans

Innovate smarter and faster with EyeQuestion.

Become part of the network of the leading organisations worldwide that work with EyeQuestion to improve their products. 

These plans are based on a SaaS solution.


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Extra Options


Extra Options

For a version of our software intended for non-commercial purposes (for e.g. education organisations) please get in touch with us.

*   Active User:  number of different users working on EyeQuestion within a single month (MAU)

**  Responses: a completed response of a panellist to a single product in a product based questionnaire OR a completed response of a consumer to a non-product based questionnaire. The average usage is

     between 5.000-10.000 responses a year. Example: 1 test a day with 12 panellists and 3 products results in 36 responses a day with approx. 250 working days this would be a total of 9.000 responses a year.

Start using EyeQuestion

Available to you anywhere, anytime and on any device without installing any software. Ideal as an easy to maintain, global access, secure and corporate-wide solution. Enjoyed and approved by hundreds of EyeQuestion clients and their millions of critical consumers.


The software is user-friendly and we will walk
you through each step.


Request a demo or check our pricing page for our available plans.