PhD Tour East Canada 2019

At the beginning of this year we received an e-mail from the Wageningen University asking us if we were interested in sponsoring their biennial tour, where PhD students get the opportunity to participate on this international study tour. EyeQuestion was specifically contacted due to the students giving the board members positive feedback based on their usage of our software, and of course, the support and long-time partnership we have with the WUR.

From October 20th until November 2nd 24 PhD students of Wageningen University’s Human Nutrition department were travelling to the other side of the world, as seen from the Dutch perspective, as part of their 2019 PhD Tour through East Canada. During these two weeks, ten institutes were visited where both the students and accompanied staff members had a chance to be informed of the latest scientific content and connect with their academic colleagues overseas.

As one of the proud sponsors of this tour, we are glad that we could be a part of this adventure and are looking forward to all their endeavours in the future. Click here to view a detailed overview of their tour.