It is almost the end of yet another calendar year, what better time is there to look back at what has happened and to take a sneak peak forward to what is coming up. We started 2018 by releasing 4.10 of our software suite, which main additions were the Attribute and Product database. We were glad to see that during the year both databases were being used by our customers. 4.10 also saw the addition of the wheel editor and question conditions, two new options that expanded the possibilities when creating a questionnaire.
In EyeOpenR, we have added the option to run a frequency on demographic data. In the past, when running a frequency on demographic / not product related data it would show you the answers per product. We often got the question not to display these results by product, but rather as overall results for the project. In the frequency analysis the option was added to ‘Show Frequencies by Product’. If this is set to ‘No’ the results will be based on the assessor and will not be displayed by product. Another improvement was done to the TDS analysis. In the EyeOpenR interface the curves always have included the significance line, however the significance line was not included in the Excel export. This has now been added.
A few months later 4.11 was released, which, due to the application of GDPR regulations in May, its main focus was the data protection and privacy for the consumer side of both EyeQuestion and EyeContact. In order to fully comply with these new regulations, additional interface options had to be added to make sure the data of individuals was taken care of.
The end of 2018 also saw an overhaul of EyeQuestion Live, as Java will no longer be needed to run the application and download and upload data from and to your USB stick for offline data collection.
Revamped and improved EyeQuestion Live
2018 was also marked by trips abroad as we went to Reykjavic, Verona, Cleveland and ended the year close to home in Utrecht, where we attended the symposium Sensory for Business. During those trip we were able to show off Olorama’s scent generator, which is fully operational with our software suite.
So what are our plans for next year? We are currently finishing the first part of our development cycle for EyeQuestion XR, which will be able to support 360° images, 360° video, text to speech and speech to text functionality. We will expand XR by continue to work on the VR portion as well as its AR functionalities.
Another big focus in 2019 is the release of our Central Database, which will be working in coordinance with the Product and Attribute Database. The Central Database is planned to be released alongside EyeQuestion 5, which will be ready in the first quarter of 2019.
For those without EyeContact, our advanced panel management application, 2019 will also see the addition of new, and expansion of existing, panel management tools for EyeQuestion. We will also conclude our work on EyeQuestion Express, which can be used to create a questionnaire in just a few steps. More about this in our next blog.