The upcoming year we will work hard to improve our software and our service to our customers. 2017 will be the year that we rebrand our advanced panel management tool module, EyeContact, as it will be given a new interface this coming year. We will also be adding all available languages from EyeQuestion to be used in EyeContact and improving on the available features which we have implemented last year.
One of the tasks we have set up for the coming year is to improve the quality of our training tools by creating online instruction video’s that will help our clients to use our software in a quick an effective way. The videos will be available in the support section of our website.
Starting on Wednesday the 12th of January, we will be using a new ticketing system for our helpdesk. You are able to create an account to monitor your tickets and gain access to our (work in progress) knowledge base by clicking here. This is not mandatory as you will be able to send and receive e-mails using your service of choice (such as gmail, Outlook, etc..). Users who had an account in our previous ticketing system will still be able to view the tickets using the now familiar link. The change to a new helpdesk does mean that the Live chat system that is currently active will no longer be working. Please send all new support e-mails to [email protected] (our old address [email protected] will also be valid). The status of old support tickets that are created in our old system can still be accessed by clicking here using your existing login credentials.
EyeQuestion’s question library will also be expanded in the spring by adding a Rate All That Apply (RATA) questiontype. This questiontype is a variation on the CATA question format as consumers rate the intensity from a pre-specified list if it applies to a specific product. The RATA questiontype has a stronger tendency for greater hedonic discrimination between samples compared to a hedonic question.
We will also be adding a new questiontype based on implicit measurement: the Swipe Approach-Avoidance Procedure questiontype (SWAAP). The basic idea of the SWAAP questiontype is that consumers/panelists either swipe the products towards them if they express a positive attitude and swipe away from them if they perceive a negative attitude. This questiontype is only to be used with devices with a touch screen. We will, as always, continue to expand our question library and will keep you informed using our blog and newsletter.
We will also be working on improving existing modules as we will be giving EQ Live a visual overhaul to match our new interface as well as adding full Windows 10 compatibility. Another big goal for 2017 is to expand EyeQuestion Mobile, our mobile iOS/Android application, by adding support for questiontypes and options already present in EyeQuestion. A new addition to our EyeQuestion Suite will be EyeQuestion Express, a tool which can be used to create your projects in a simple but effective fashion with a few clicks.
By working closely with QI Statistics, we hope to expand and improve our current analytical library based on upcoming findings in sensory sciences and our customer needs. From version 4 and up, all analyses will be available for all users.
Having enjoyed our trips abroad in years past, in 2017 we have already booked a booth at the Pangborn Conference in Rhode Island and the Nordic Sensory Workshop, held in Gotenburg.