Our main goal at EyeQuestion Software is to continuously improve our software based on the feedback of our users and by keeping a close eye on the latest developments in Sensory and Consumer Research. In this article we share the latest features recently added to improve the user experience.
New Features
Search box added in the dropdown list of a project group
The project group allows a panellist to participate in multiple active projects, one after the other, while logging in only once into the booth. In order to add projects in a group the user needs to select the projects from a dropdown list. To make it easier for the user to find the desired project a search box has been added. The user can now type the project name to easily find the project.
TIP: To shorten the list of projects in the dropdown menu, please remember to close the projects for which data has already been collected.
Scheduling timeslots
Panel scheduling allows the user to add timeslots in a project. Panellists can be sent emails from EyeQuestion that allow them to select their own appointment. In this improvement a user can add multiple timeslots at once instead of creating each one manually. After the user has entered information into a set of mandatory fields, EyeQuestion will create multiple timeslots with one click.
The user can add the duration of a test, time needed for cleaning and any necessary breaks (for example: if a test runs for multiple days the user can add out of office hours in the breaktime for example 17:30 to 9:00) with timeslots created accordingly. Once all the timeslots are created it is possible to filter these timeslots based on a given date.
If the timeslots were created incorrectly, it is also possible to bulk delete these by clicking on the box in the top left corner of the table to select all. The timeslots for which panellist have already made an appointment cannot be deleted.
Extra time settings in the TDS & Time Intensity question
In the TDS (Temporal Dominance Sensation) and ‘Time Intensity’ question types a user can add messages in Advanced settings of the question which will be displayed at a specific time to the panelist. By default it was possible to add 3 timepoints and messages, now this has been increased to 10 timepoints and messages.
PowerPoint autoreport
To make it easier for users to present the results of a study to their colleagues, the ‘Auto report Powerpoint export’ option has been added. This Powerpoint report includes the product information displayed in a table and several charts (bar chart, line chart and spiderplot).
We hope these new features add value to your everyday EyeQuestion workflow.
If you have any feedback on these features or have a new suggestion, feel free to share these with us in our community forum by clicking here.