Pangborn 2015 with Live Voting

Last week, 5 members of our team visited the 11th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium in Sweden. Congratulations to the organizing committee! It was a very well organized conference.


What is new in sensory science

We all had a great and interesting time in beautiful Gothenburg. In our booth we had to opportunity to talk to a lot of people and show the latest novelties in our software. We also had the honor to sponsor the closing discussion, lead by Sara Jaeger and Hal Macfie, with a live voting system. Four speakers held a talk about the future of Sensory science and introduced three statements for the audience to vote. 


Live data collection with mobile phones 

After every talk the audience was able to rank the statements on their mobile phones. The vast majority participated in all four voting rounds. We collected over 300 votes per round and presented the results live on the screen. This way of interaction with the audience was completely new for the Pangborn conference.


The response of the delegates to this novelty was a positive one. Participating delegates felt really more engaged with the discussions. Great to hear this. We thought is was fun to do and we are looking forward to the next voting at a Sensory conference.